The I Factor
The I Factor

This excerpt includes The Fundamentals, the first of nine sections of The I Factor™

“A book of bite-sized insights that often run deep…”
Best-selling author of A Return to Love

What is The I Factor?

The I Factor™ is our new book about intimacy and how to connect in personal relationships. Jack Canfield, creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul, calls it “genius in its simplicity.” Larry King calls it “a must read.”

It’s available NOW in paperback as well as ebook formats for the Amazon Kindle; the B&N Nook; the Apple iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch; and other eReaders.

We’re self-publishing so please help us get the word out.

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The I Factor

You've just read the first nine chapters of The I Factor™. There are over 100 more.

“An inspiring read for every ‘modern’ man and woman… Picked it up and couldn’t put it down.”
Star of Modern Family

“Simple yet powerful insights on how to connect – and what it means to connect – in today’s disconnected world. A must read!”
Larry King
Former host of Larry King Live on CNN

“A book of bite-sized insights that often run deep…”
Marianne Williamson
Best-selling author of A Return to Love

“Genius in its simplicity, this book captures the very essence of what we all want and aspire to in our close personal relationships.”
Jack Canfield
Creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series

“Terrific read that conveys powerful insights. I look forward to incorporating it into my life.”
Scott Flanders
CEO of Playboy

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